aka What to do with a problem called Northern Dave

Now, we don’t think we’re the same as other clubs. In fact, we all love being part of Ripcor for the very simple reason that we don’t actually like being in a club. We’re more of a collective really. We do things differently.

However, one new initiative this year is very cycling-club-like and that’s the inaugural award of Club Member of the Year. We felt that given the influx of new members and their fantastic contribution to events, rides, catering, fund-raising  and banter, the time was right to introduce such an award.

It was a close-run thing with three club members in the running: Chris ‘Elvis’ Pressdee, Richard ‘Greengrass’ Quinn and ‘Norvern’ Dave Guy. Each had contributed so much since joining the club, so how could we possibly choose? So, for the sake of transparency and independence we decided to outsource the matter.

We approached FIFA, who are the world leaders in running free, fair and unbiased voting systems and asked them to rig run the vote. So, under the watchful eyes of Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini, over a lunch provided by Urban Eats they went about their business of choosing Ripcor’s Club Member of the Year.

In the end, there was one clear winner: ‘Norvern’ Dave.

Why? Well, he’s ridden week in week out, he sees no irony in ordering a lager and lime after a ride, he’s made our TT’s a culinary pleasure to take part in, he doesn’t take himself too seriously – a key Ripcor attribute, and his often inappropriate humour delivered always at exactly the right/wrong (delete as appropriate) time is something to behold.  Chapeau Dave, Ripcor’s inaugural Club Member of the Year 2015.  

Your cheque is in the post!
